what a year. I mean it is by far the worst birth-day ever.
Yup, yesterday was my birthday. But the day before and also yesterday, those were the most disastrous days of my life. Well, that's how I feel though it wasnt that bad. But shed tears during my birthday was something I never imagined before. Yah yah, shed tears cuz yesterday it was the most stressful and bikin panas day of my life (I almost swear I dont ever wanna have any more birthday party).
Ok, leave the bad part and Im telling you the good part. The good part was that I got a surprise which I never thought of (cuz at first, I didnt even feel like celebrating already yesterday.) But the surprise really shocked me, made me feel so touched and and and, I dont know how else to describe. So, thanks to my sweet sweet boyfriend and his family who made it so special (aww... appreciate it very much! :) ) but I ruined everything because of my not-so-good mood and not-so-good temper (really sorry bout that! my bad :( but I really had a bad day). And thanks to my friends too who cant celebrate my birthday with me (because some of them went back to college N university already! huhu.. ) but wished me. And some people that I never expect will remember or say anything bout my bday, wished me! lol xD
I cut the cake with style! LOL~ (as if...)
Yeap, that was the first one...
Ok, now that was a lot~! Haha. They can be artist already for making such art. LOL.
But my sis N I did to each other far worst than this. Haha.
LOL. What a look on my face. Such UGLY creature! Hoho.